Why we do what we do
African economies have sustained unprecedented rates of growth, driven mainly by strong domestic demand, improved macroeconomic management, a growing middle class, and increased political stability. As the continent continues to evolve, attention should be paid to a few key megatrends of the last few decades that will shape Africa’s future.
Enterprise and Industry development Initiative (EIDI) is a non-profit budding social innovation that envisions an Industrialised Africa. Africa developmental challenge which include massive youth unemployment, youth restlessness and violence, political & leadership challenges among others will be half taken care of if enterprise development and massive industrial growth become a reality in African countries
our vision

To see an economically developed and highly industrialized Africa by Africans

Our Mission
To initiate development through ideas and innovation while serving as a platform in the area of industry and economy
Our culture

Creativity  .  Enterprise  .  Loyalty  .  Innovation  .  Selfless  .  Service  .  Resilience

Our SDGs Focus
At EIDIAFrica, we do our best to ensure we are part of the SDGs with our primary focus on Goals 1,8,9,12 & 17.
We believe that to end poverty one must pay attention to issues that affect economic growth directly, be Innovative in Industry building, become responsible producers instead of just consumers and also to ensure healthy partnerships are formed between governments, the private sector and civil society with shared visions, goals and principles