What we do

PAD training series (paying attention to details) is one of our training packages that was created to improve the focus and brain power of individuals applying real life exercises that helps retention, Enterprise/Entrepreneurship training for startups and existing small businesses, Internship programs for career persons and entrepreneurs.
At EIDIAfrica, we have a mentoring platform that has been running for a while now which has seen beneficiaries move from point "A"Â to "B" with the help of our volunteer mentors. This program called #Journey CMP(continous mentoring program). At the #JourneyCMP we host young successful entrepreneurs in diverse fields and sectors to come tell their story of their journey so far so that our younger mentees can learn from those who have walked the roads before them.

I4I: Innovation for Industry this is a workshop that will link knowledge, capacity, creativity and innovation to a viable industry.
This is a workshop designed to bring young, vibrant and intelligent minds together under one roof to harness their knowledge, capacity, creativity and innovation to improve development through industrialization.
probono consulting

At EIDIAfrica, LGU (Lets Guide U!) we offer free consulting for young entrepreneurs and social startups to enable them take their ideas from one point to the next without having to pay  heavily for guidance