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another successful #Journey mentoring event held

On the 25th of February 2017, another successful edition of the EIDIAfrica Journey Mentoring came to an end with us having the honour to have Mr Wilson Otobo, a successful multiple Entrepreneur who told his story highlighting difficulties encountered along his...

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-03 at 1.05.56 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-04-03 at 1.05.54 PM.jpeg

News & Views

The First Employability Concourse Held Successfully

April 2, 2018

On the 2nd of April 2018 in Abuja Nigeria, we had a wonderful time hosting 4 amazing guest facilitators to do justice to a problem that has been brewing gradually in the youth development sector...Employability!

We discovered not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur rather some are wired to be successful in paid employment and eventually will climb the ranks professionally as "Intrapreneurs"

We were scheduled to host over a hundred participants but got less than 20! for the same reasons as to why it is generally believed that most of our young graduates are unemployable just as the former Nigerian President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo once said.

Despite the clearly designed flyer and emails that were sent out over 70 percent of the candidates got the location wrong, rather they just focused on the minor details and left the major on all information given.

In all it was a wonderful experience as we had our facilitators and partners Rimdinado International Tempkers Lizspire Emem Opashi, Enesi Makoju as well as our ED Okoroafor Uchenna speak on work-life balance, Office ethics and tools, Getting the job you desire and hiring!

This has made us get calls to repeat the event and go to other locations which are already working on.

Below are pictures of how the event went:

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Take a look at our gallery of photos and videos taken at our events. These remind us to stay positive that what we do here at EIDIAfrica really does make a difference. We are thrilled to have great memories of productive times we spent while promoting industries via innovations for development.

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