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March 25, 2017
Another exciting edition of our mentoring event is coming soon...keep visiting our site and social media pages for updates...watch out!
Watch out for our workshop on development using innovation to strengthen and build viable industries. Coming soon...

2018 Internship program for youths in Nigeria

2018 Internship program
Come 2018, EIDIAfrica will be working with one of her partners to carry out an Internship program for Nigerian youths between the ages of 18 to 26 years. Location is in Lagos Nigeria. This program will give successful candidates the opportunity to be mentored and trained to be released equipped into their career path or stand a chance of being retained at the host organisation in the following fields: Finance, Technical/Engineering & Communication. Registration closes on 15th December 2017, click to apply below.

MSME StartUp Drive 2019
The MSME StartUp Drive is designed to give a basic but practical understanding about starting and running a business to ensure business growth and profit. Despite the basic and fundamental design of the 3-day programme, classes are practical and pay attention to trends. Modules will cover Entrepreneurship, brand creation, market & trend analysis, financial management and book keeping as well as funding StartUps.
This 3-day programme attracts a commitment fee of N2,000 to ensure that only willing, deliberate and goal driven participants are accepted into the programme. Classes runs from 10am to 3pm daily
NB. Class only admits 20 candidates meaning acceptance is on a first come first serve bases
To participate, interested candidates are required to feel out the registration form... After which contact eidiafrica@gmail.com or +2347080858791 to get bank account details for payment of the commitment fee