#Journey Contentious Mentoring program (CMP) holds again
It was another awesome time at eidiafrica's #Journey CMP which held on the on the 30th of September 2017 at the Youthhubafric hub located at mabushi, Abuja.
As usual young individuals came together to listen to the experienced duo of Grace Ike-Mariazu (Invited guest mentor) and Uchenna Okoroafor (Convener, #Journey CMP) tell a bit of their story to those present.
This avenue gave the participants to engage these mentors to get first hand information of how they succeeded up to the point they currently are and still doing great strides in terms of human development, social development, enterprise building, entrepreneurship and general life pursuits.
This edition was the third for the year 2017 and so far has already had a couple of amazing successes from participants who have attended and are currently part of the program for time past. The entire team of eidiafrica is once again grateful to youthhubafrica for their immense support through the provision of the venue that was used.
For all our followers and beneficiaries of this program and the Initiative at large, we say thank you for participating and we ask that you you stay connected with us as we keep you updated with subsequent programs yet to come.